Ideas and suggestions for Captain of Industry from the community
Welcome to the official suggestions board for Captain of industry. Vote on your favorite suggestions below, or add new ones! Discuss them on our Discord server.
Train Skin Options / Model Options
One thing that would greatly increase exitement for the trains for update 3 would be the ability to have different skins for the trains , possibly add the trains to ...
A few suggestions about gameplayI hope it can be achieved
1. I hope to add fast transportation vehicles such as trains and cable cars, which can reduce the use of conveyor belts and reduce lag, as well as increase the fun of ...
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
Could not resolve type with token ...
Under consideration
Game machanic
Map editor
Modding API
New machines
Production recipes
Quality of life