Logic Gates and Circuit Signals/Network
I think every complicated Factory game needs logic gates and way to transport signals to create most efficient production.
Comments: 10
18 Jul, '22
DragendaveI would love to see that. In my first play-test I had an overproduction of Potatoes and Corn that I fermented for Gas, but the "overflow" was very crudely designed.. (basically a balancer that prioritized the storage before the fermenter) but I would love to actually say to send to fermenter when x amount is stored or what ever I need. Or even shut down Machines that are not needed "if" something is not there to conserve workers and energy.. or pollution.. like coal burners, turn them if "while" there is enough coal.
24 Jul, '22
AngelsEndoh yes please. At the moment I exactly strugle with that. I try to build some complex Network gut this will Not Work really good only with tue balancer and sorter. Some more Logic/Signals will be nice. E.g If sorter output A is full/blocked Stop the Produktion or trigger some other Signals.
I would love it If it will be implemented in the Future :)))) -
27 Jul, '22
DarkaiserI hadn't voted this up because I didn't see a need for it until Dragendave gave several examples. Now I'm a solid supporter.
01 Aug, '22
NinjaChorltonI'd love this addition.
Another example would be to have a 'backup' feed of water connected to a fluid storage, that only turns on if the storage gets below a certain level. -
20 Aug, '22
Horkniswith the 8 way valve you can sometimes sort out over production into another way by priorise the primary out and ins. in example you can pririse the in from a cooling tower into the system before the storage get stuffed up from rainwater. also to have a starage fill up if a factory is full. what i most like to have would be a back build sensor which cast the producing factory to stop producing so the belt isnt stucked up before a switch. like if you have a factory producing 3 different products and deliver this into storage via belts i would like to stop productions if a storage is full. but this should be automaticly. am factory Iland manager. not a production line oporater. x..x
25 Jan, '23
MrJoshuaThread: https://discord.com/channels/803508556325584926/852595405102645258/1067877823630540871
What might it look like?
-Controlling active buildings (IE: free up power/manpower)
-Controlling pipes/belts/storage (IE: Prevent max fill so trucks always have somewhere to dump or Controlling Fill/empty.
-Controlling splitter priority dynamically based on input signals
-Controlling a buildings active recipes.
-Future Content? Added possibilities
How to setup/control
Option A: Advanced Logistics Style - Link buildings,belts,storages with an invisible link.
Option B: Factorio style - Requires some sort of wiring added to the game. Maybe along with Power Mgmt on the roadmap.
Option C: ???
Some Examples:
Switching a farm to a different product when a storage quota is met, belting the new product to the right place.
Turning off Construction parts assembly when they are full and backed up.
Oil Refinery - Better balancing and cracking
But mostly, all the things I can't think of. -
23 May, '23
zadigusI confirm that it the feature that miss me a lot, and generate a lote of micro management (burn exes of sulfur for exemple). you can achieave it with a balancer, and storage, but it can be really boring ( discharge exess of Nitrogen / Oxigen, ....
I think that the following feature will help a lot :
- Enable for storage / factory to generate genetate state (extending the alarm system already existing)
- enable automatique state change associated to other building status
- Create dedicated "Automate" Building to create logic, that can be used by nearby building. -
02 Jul, '23
SzteinooI would love to see advanced controlled production like activating or deactivating belts, activating additional buildings like furnaces based on how much a designated storage is filled.
For example:
on 0% filled storage turn on furnaces A B C D and E
on above 40% filled storage tun off furnace E
on above 60% filled storage turn off furnace D
on 100% filled storage turn off furnaces A B C D and E
below 90% turn on furnace A and B
etc... -
18 Sep, '23
WolfstartcGreat idea. I would love an automation system (something like the system that is in Oxygen Not Included). The ability to automatically pause a production plant if a storage is full or if material is not available, thus saving maintenance and workers) would add a level of complexity that could be provided late game after computing is discovered.
17 Apr
VECCTORThis is really needed given how the game handles idle machines.
Idle machines still cost some maintenance and workers (even if the amount is lower).
Pausing a machine removes all costs.
Therefore the game is encouraging, through it's rules, pausing and unpleasing buildings to optimize your resource usage BUT gives you no way to automate that.
If you want to be efficient later into the game, you'll end up constantly having to turn machines on and off, and get constantly distracted by alerts you set up to remind you to do this when resources are overflowing and underflowing. It's just obnoxious.
Either have idle machine act like paused ones, or give a logic network to control the pausing based on conditions.
Even something simple would be fine:
"When acid tank is full, turn off acid machine"
"When acid tank is at 20% turn on acid machine"
The alert system already has this logic - we just need it to go one step further and allow it to control machines.