Solve negative reviews: Make deconstruction full refund by default

2 votes

This game should have so many more reviews and with a total 95%+ positivity rating. The genre's top beasts -- Factorio, Satisfactory, DSP -- all have full refund by default. When you look at negative reviews for COI, they overwhelmingly complain about being punished for mistakes in placement (especially when you don't know mechanics of new tech) and subsequent death spiral.

I KNOW you can customize the "refund" option, but another observation is players hate feeling like they need the baby or easy mode. It sours them and compounds the likelihood they will give up and leave negative reviews. Pander to flawed human psychology and don't make them ask for an easier mode where similar games set it as the default. :)

Under consideration Game machanic Quality of life Suggested by: MS Upvoted: 07 Aug Comments: 3

Comments: 3