Size of upgraded liquid storage tanks (should be diameter 8)

9 votes

The current 5x5 storage tank setup doesn't allow near perfect hexagonal tiling. The upgraded storage tanks could be bigger and allow for better hexagonal tiling and also be a sensible size.

The new tanks grid width/height should be an even number to allow for all connections to be made when tiling. Since we are working with integers we want to find a size where 2 times the apothem is very close to an integer when calculated using the circumcircle radius of the hexagon.

Fortunately we don't have to go very far as a diameter 8 tank with a standard collision for a pixelated diameter 8 pixel circle gives a 2xApothem of 6.93. This will allow for near perfect hexagonal tiling with all connections being made with no need for intermediate piping.

Also, since the volume of a tank scales by the cube of it's radius the current tank has a radius of 2.5 for a volume of 15.625 units and the larger radius 4 (diameter 8) tank would have a storage of 64 which is 4 times more storage.

Under consideration Suggested by: Burnrate Upvoted: 27 Apr, '23 Comments: 3

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