Ideas and suggestions for Captain of Industry from the community
Welcome to the official suggestions board for Captain of industry. Vote on your favorite suggestions below, or add new ones! Discuss them on our Discord server.
Trackball scrolling mode
When using right click to scroll using my trackball I have to unclick/track/reclick to continue scrolling. I would like to just hold down the right click and scroll ...
Tweak the cracking unit receipes
A cracking unit running the naphtha to diesel recipe feeding into a cracking unit running the diesel to naphtha recipe essentially converts hydrogen and steam into ...
FBR nerfs
Since the devs mentioned that they were looking for ways to nerf the FBR, I want to state my proposal.
The core issue in my opinion is the minuscule amount of raw ...
Vehicle Elevator or Crane
A heavy vehicle elevator or lift-crane to allow for more abrupt/deeper pits without needing ramps everywhere. Locks for trucks basically. Height based on research.
Give primary/war-ship a purpose after map fully explored
Once fully explored there is rarely a need to crew up this strong ship. Create a world map above the current world map to allow you to send your ship on broader ...
Allow for seeing what is causing pollution
So my idea is that you can expand the current pollution menu to see specifically where the pollution is coming from. For example, for water pollution, it would say ...
Ability to Dig Tunnels
I suggest giving us Captains the ability to create underground tunnels, such as through a mountain. I am not entirely sure how this could be implemented, but ...
Under consideration
Visual maintenance Change
As something's maintenance level decreases, I suggest its visuals change as well, like becoming more and more rusty for example.
Under consideration
Early game revamp
I think the game could relatively easy be enriched by expanding the early game. Perhaps having the player start with only one a few guys with shovels and pick-axes. ...
Add Blocked Routes
At the moment we can set forced Export Routes and Import Routes.
I suggest adding 'Blocked Routes', so that I could use a storage without any forced Export/Import ...
Under consideration
A richer weather system and the changing of the seasons
Under consideration
Mixed Ore Trains?
With the coming of trains, I wonder if it would be possible to have a train station at mines that loads mixed cargos into hopper cars that then go to a rail serviced ...
Nuclear Cask Waggon
A Waggon type for transporting radioactive materials.
It schould also schield from Radioactivity.
Under consideration
light up all matching modules when one is clicked on or have a toggle. It's hard to find modules
It gets very crowded and hard to find certain modules like compactors. The need (and wish) to light up each module to make it easier to find matching modules arises ...
Under consideration
Keyboard Shortcut for Editing Mining Area
Currently there's no Keyboard Shortcut for the editing of the mining areas (in the mining control tower) defined. The organization of the mining areas can be ...
Under consideration
我们需要能够产生更大蒸汽压力的锅炉,如:超超临界锅炉(Ultra supercritical boiler)or 亚临界锅炉(supercritical boiler)来产生高压蒸汽和节省燃料。
Under consideration
Copy selected transport
I would like to be able to copy the selected transport. For example by pressing 'c' when the transport is selected.
Currently it's only possible to copy it using the ...
Planning Mode for Surfaces
Allow surfaces to be used in planning mode.
Satellite types
Various satellites could be fabricated directly at rocket assembly (no need for additional graphics), player would choose the desired satellite type like upgrades at ...
Under consideration
Robotic workers
Another late-game addition besides delivery drones could be humanoid robot worker or worker drones. If the drone factory is implemented, it could share the same ...
Under consideration
Delivery drones
I am very exited about the upcoming trains in Captain of Industry. Delivery drones could be a further logistics option for late-game. I imagine small truck sized ...
Under consideration
Early game: ruin mining
As far as I understand the story or setting of the game, we play survivors in a kind of postapocalyptic world after “the events” (ice meteor shower with lots of ...
Under consideration
Power system: substations
Substations could add even more depth to the electrical power system of the game. Substations would be small buildings with a certain low voltage supply radius. ...
Under consideration
Power options: stationary batteries
Stationary batteries could be an addition to power systems with large fluctuating renewable generation shares. I would make it a late-stage technology similar to tier ...
Under consideration
Power options: wind turbines
Wind turbines could be an early power option to supplement diesel generators (as is done in some real-world island grid situations). Besides a significant upfront ...
Under consideration
Power options: gas turbines
As additional power options I suggest adding gas turbines and wind turbines. Gas turbines could be a midd-game option, becoming available between coal power and ...
Under consideration
Steam Locomotive
It was the wisdom of the human industrial revolution that could be powered by the island's fresh water and coal
Can try inside the game to increase transport power ...
cut/copied items stay on cursor after placing
when cutting or copying designs, let them stay on the cursor after placement, currently a misplaced design will be ruined. the easiest fix for this I can think of ...
(Optional) Day / Night Cycle
As the Title says a Optional Day / Night Cycle with potentially buildings lighting up at night creating a nice atmosphere and visuals,
Of course this Day / Night ...
Assignable Truck Area
So this is an idea for a feature which may even help fix a potential issue with Trains in update 3,
Even without trains though its a neat idea,
Currently we have ...
Under consideration
I would like to see triggers added to the game. For example, I am using a line of electrolyzers to produce both oxygen and hydrogen for use. There are times where ...
Under consideration
More inputs for Rubber Makers
Add more inputs (separate diesel, ethanol, and naphtha) for Rubber Makers to allow multiple rubber recipes to be used simultaneously.
Under consideration
Digger priority Reset after recovery
If one recovers an excavator their priority erases. Possible to keep their priority set after the reset so one does not have to click on them to set it again. This ...
Quarter square digging & fill ability
I use the retaining walls quite often. But at times, it can be difficult to get the ground level enough to install the second or third tier of a wall. One dig level ...
Under consideration
Make a rocket have a purpose, at the moment it is pretty pointless.
Every other item, object in the game has a purpose, a function. The rocket has no purpose at all because it is definately not the end of the game.
Maybe in the ...
Under consideration
Vehicle parts 3 contract.
For end game when all resources have been mined out of the map and Mega vehicles are no longer needed on the scale when mining. We should have a contract where we ...
Under consideration
Update Blueprint button
A button to update the selected blueprint (similar to the create new blueprint button, except it updates the currently selected blueprint).
When developing ...
Under consideration
Mining explosives
Explosives, like in the real world would allow to remove layers of rock and dirt for a more easy access to minerals.
It could be for example an ANFO explosive; ...
Every politician is concerned about it. Education buildings: elementary, middle, and high school. Their construction generates a plus to production and research. and ...
Under consideration
Ore Sorter Input
Add inputs to Ore Sorters, which could be a higher throughput/tier version that can handle Mega Vehicles.
Under consideration
Train intersection priorities
Please allow us to prioritize certain train paths into and out of intersections. This will make it much easier to construct main trunk lines or "highways" for trains.
Under consideration
Under consideration
You have killed the beauty.
When I first launched version 0.6.4d, I immediately got the feeling that something became wrong. The picture became faded, washed out, weather-stained, dim. Yes, the ...
Under consideration
Trains: Sufficient control is needed
I am hugely looking forward to trains in CoI but they will be useless (or nearly so) if sufficient control options aren't provided (see Satisfactory's visually ...
Add excavator as barge
Sometimes we want to dig rock from the land and create a dock or something. Right now, we can only dig a hole and flood it. We should be able to dig from water for ...
Depleted world mine should change color on world map
Every mine that become depleted should change color on world map to red
Under consideration
Construction team building
I'd love to have one building, called "construction crew", which is always in charge of building and demolishing stuff. It should have truck assigned and a storage ...
Map Jumping
Sign posts that can be built to mark locations on the map not as just visible markers but create jump points. Like when jumping to vehicles during the ...
Under consideration
Ship Battle
To make battle realtime on a small map. This would make a fun mini game to give a change of pace. Good tactics would result in lower repair costs. Bad tactics result ...
Under consideration