Allow belts and pipes to be grouped as one contiguous unit

10 votes

Currently, when a length of transport is created, and another segment is connected to it, the game considers it separate entities. This causes issues as you have to make sure that all segments that make up the run are unpaused for construction.

I have experienced frustration when I thought I unpaused the entire length, only to find that there is a small segment that never got unpaused and is causing a bottleneck for material transport.

Furthermore, when the pipe/belt is running and you flip the direction of material flow, you sometimes find that some small segment is still flowing in the opposite direction blocking the rest of the flow.

At the same time, there is a benefit to having segmented elements, as it allows choice of which get built first.

My suggestion is to have the ability to highlight the separate elements of transports and group them as one contiguous element. That way, you can have choice of what remains separate and what elements are part of the same group.

Under consideration Game machanic Quality of life UI Suggested by: Tom Upvoted: 02 May Comments: 1

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