Solid waste should cause water pollution if dumped in water.

23 votes

From a theme perspective, it doesn't make sense that the game punishes the player for pollution elsewhere, but there's zero water pollution incurred by dumping solid waste into the water.

From a mechanics perspective, I would expect this to work as a water pollution source when solid waste is dumped into the water. It should emit a small amount of pollution, either instantly, or for some small amount of time. The amount of pollution should be at a similar level as dumping waste water, but proportional to the # of solid waste dumped.

From a learnability / UX perspective, this already works with mining towers + multiple dumping designations + filters, and players can build a landfill on land in early game to deal with the solid waste. In mid game, they can burn it.

Finally, the recycling technology (or a later tech) could give the player recipes for converting solid waste to slag + dirt + recycling. This would give players a reason to go back to their landfills in late game and mine.

Under consideration Suggested by: Dvd Upvoted: 01 Sep, '23 Comments: 1

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