Intelligence in video games, in our time when artificial intelligence is making a lot of noise

2 votes

When I play a realistic management, organization or construction game, I enjoy finding realism. However, the main focus of development for this type of game is often the graphics. However, logic and intelligence should become extreme assets for these kinds of games, emphasizing realism and logic, whether human or artificial. In addition, the installation of automation that adapts to environmental or human logic would be beneficial. For example, when a truck is asked to refuel at the nearest pump on the map, it is essential that the driver, human or virtual, understands that if he has to navigate around various natural or urban obstacles, he must take into account time rather than distance. Likewise, when there is nothing left to do, a human does not stupidly stay in the middle of the road. These kinds of illogical actions should be corrected with AI, which would be very appreciated.

Under consideration Suggested by: Psylogue Upvoted: 13 Apr Comments: 1

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