Max truck limit: 250

10 votes

Hey, so I feel the truck limit is a little arbitrary. I’m not saying remove it, but with the cost of maintenance, fuel requirements, and now health impacts of burning those fuels, there’s plenty to balance the truck limit.

Ideally the current limit would naturally fall around the time u have 180-200 diesel trucks. Basically at that point u should be switching to hydrogen for the cleaner , healthier exhaust so u can push ur truck count higher.

I get that one should be going more automated with time, and I agree, but right now it’s too punishing to automate versus rely on trucks. I also don’t personally agree with the idea that one should have all trucks cease operation to finish the game. Don’t these workers just enjoy driving big rigs around?

Regardless, I’d like to see a more favourable position for trucks as one moves through the late game.

Under consideration Suggested by: Damien Upvoted: today Comments: 1

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