god help me look at picture

3 votes

1. I hope to add fast transportation vehicles such as trains and cable cars, which can reduce the use of conveyor belts and reduce lag, as well as increase the fun of the game, with more options and more fun
2. Add fixed automatic excavators to mine ore
3. More overseas trade options and explored regions
4. Large transport vehicles can use new fuels, such as hydrogen fuel rods and nuclear fuel rods. This new energy rod has greater capacity and ultra long endurance, which can reduce the number of refueling times
5. At present, the cost and maintenance of solar energy are too high, and there is no battery or other buffer to be used in conjunction with it. Its practicality is completely inferior to nuclear power, and fast neutron nuclear power has become the only choice for later power generation

Under consideration Suggested by: 視而不見 Upvoted: 21 Apr Comments: 0

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