Rubble and Ruins on maps

15 votes

It would be very interesting to have the ability to place abandoned and ruined st structures on new maps. Narratively, it is appropriate, since the game is set following some kind of economic apocalypse. Ruined buildings fit the theme. Gameplay wise, these structures can be obstacles and resources. I see them mainly as a source of metal scrap, bricks, glass, and concrete, but more importantly, rubble can be something that is relatively easy to clear in small patches but needs dedicated industry to clear large areas. Also, as a valuable resource, it can provide a goal to drive mid-game expansion when you already have the basics handled.

Finally, I think it might be a small lift. At simplest, it's a single new kind of material which can be processed in the recycling plant and has a jagged height map for spawning on terrain. At most, it's a few new models similar to the starting communication outpost and some new logic to spawn it.

Under consideration Game machanic Map editor Production recipes Suggested by: PTTG Upvoted: 13 Jan Comments: 0

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